SEND – some facts and figures
- The January 2016 school census reported that of 78,892 pupils attending Warwickshire state-funded primary, secondary and special schools,
- 8,852 (11.2%) were receiving SEN support
- 2,438 (3.1%) had a statement or EHC plan
- giving a total of 11,290 (14.3%) pupils with an assessed SEN at any level.
- The highest recorded primary needs for SEND (inc. SEN Support) are
- Moderate Learning Difficulty (3,772 children and young people; 33%)
- Social, Emotional and Mental Health (1,825 cyp ; 16%)
- Speech, Language and Communication Needs (1,612 cyp ; 14%)
- 93% of learners with statements/EHC plans attend outstanding or good schools in Warwickshire
- 49% of new EHC plans issued within 20 weeks, including exceptions (Sept 2016)
- 9.6 % of CYP with EHC plans are educated in independent specialist providers (2014/15)
- 374 children have CIN plan & EHC plan; 223 children have EHC plan & CAF (Oct 2016)
- 5% of SEN pupils with a statement or EHC plan achieving a 'good level of development' at foundation stage (2014/15)
- 6.9% of pupils with SEN with a statement or plan achieving 5 or more A* to C GCSEs (incl. E&M) (2014/15)
- 91% of KS4 cohort with statement of SEN in Education & Employment or Training at 17 (2014/15)
- 11.1% of adults with learning disabilities in paid employment (2014/15)
Further information is available in the SEND Joint Strategic Needs Assessment at:
- Data sets for educational attainment for 2015/16 should be published shortly by DfE.