Prestigious appointment for local Careers company
Warwick-based company, Career Seekers Direct Ltd, has recently been appointed to play a key role in delivery of the Quality in Careers Standard which is the national quality award for careers education, information, advice and guidance in education. The company will advise schools, colleges and training providers on how to develop their Careers support for young people before assessing the support against national standards. The appointment is to support the West Midlands region for 18 months initially.
“We can’t wait to get started”, says CEO and founder of Career Seekers Direct Ltd, Eva Harrison. “Enabling schools, colleges and other local providers to enhance their Career programmes will improve the career and life prospects of our young people and improve links with employers.”
All state-funded secondary schools and further education colleges are ‘strongly recommended’ by the Department for Education to work towards, achieve, and maintain the standard. Inspections by the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skill include Careers provision so achievement of the standard demonstrates high quality support is being provided.
“Careers advice and guidance for young people has never been more important than it is today due to the pandemic”, Eva firmly believes. “And a key part of that is providing insight into the world of work and the qualities employers value most in young people.”
To read more about how we work with schools and colleges please visit our website or call Eva on 07901 517012.