Sustainability and climate change strategy
As part of the recovery from COVID-19, DfE is committed to Building Back Greener.
DfE has launched an anonymous survey to gather feedback on our draft sustainability and climate change strategy. The service will use the results from this survey, alongside feedback from focus groups and working groups, to inform the final developments of the strategy before publication in Spring 2022.
Please read the draft strategy and then take part in DfE's anonymous survey. Responses must be submitted by 11:59pm on Sunday 20 February. This invitation is open to all education and childcare settings, children’s social care services and associated organisations.
By submitting your response, you are consenting for DfE to use your answers as part of their analysis of the public’s opinion on the draft strategy.
Please share the survey amongst your networks, in line with your own data privacy notices, as well as through social media.