Heads Up 4 April 2019


WE1 Early Years

95% of Early Years Providers in Warwickshire are ‘Good’ or ‘Outstanding’

Last week Ofsted released their latest set of data on Early Years inspections up to December 2018. This includes inspections of private, voluntary and independent nurseries, preschools, out of school provision and childminders.

Ofsted publish this data three times a year - inspections up to the end of March are published in June each year, inspections up to the end of August are published in November each year and inspections up to the end of December are published in March of the following year.

This summary has been compiled from Ofsted’s data release from 26 March 2019 and shows that Warwickshire Early Years figures are maintaining from the figures published for August 2018. 

As of 31 December 2018, in Warwickshire:

  • 17% of Early Years settings are judged ‘Outstanding’ (a decrease of 1% from August 2018)
  • 78% of settings judged ‘Good’ (an increase of 1% from August 2018),
  • 3% of settings judged ‘Requires Improvement’ (a decrease of 1% from August 2018)
  • 1% of settings judged ‘Inadequate’ (remaining the same as August 2018).

Although this is below the national figure for ‘Outstanding’ (20%), it is above the national figure for ‘Good’ (76%), below the national figure for ‘Requires Improvement’ (4%) and in line with the national figure for ‘Inadequate’ (1%).

Warwickshire also has six maintained nursery schools, with 67% of these judged as ‘Outstanding’ and 33% judged as ‘Good’.


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