Heads Up 4 April 2019


WelcomePau Senior

This week I am welcoming Ian Budd, Warwickshire County Council’s new permanent Assistant Director for Education Services. He brings with him a considerable breadth and depth of experience to the role to help progress the momentum gained through the work of our highly acclaimed, co-produced and well - regarded Education Strategy.

Over the coming weeks, Ian and I will be working together, undertaking a thorough handover of duties and responsibilities, making sure effective business arrangements are in place for when I leave Warwickshire at the end of April.

I am also pleased to welcome Ann Ricketts to Warwickshire as the Principal Educational Psychologist and SENDAR Manager from Hertfordshire County Council. This year, Ann was awarded a ‘Lifetime Achievement Award’ by Hertfordshire’s Children’s services for her excellent support over the years. I am very proud that both Ian and Ann have both chosen to join Team Warwickshire.

We have a number of highlights this week, including that the LA SENDAR team managed to process and progress 86% of Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCP) within the 20 week recommended timescale, well above the national average of 65%. I’d like to congratulate all of our personnel who supported this outcome; improvements in this space have been steady and consistent in recent months from a November 2018 baseline of nearer to 40%, so this month's outturn is well worthy of special recognition.

One of Warwickshire County Council's main priorities in the One Organisation Plan (OOP) has been to make our online services intuitive, convenient and more readily available. Therefore, I am really pleased to say that colleagues in our Admissions Team have successfully launched our new online application service, enabling in-year admissions and free school meal applications more easily shared between the County Council and local Schools. Read about the new online services, and view the guidance videos here.

Finally, I’d like to remind you all that we are still looking for feedback to further develop Heads Up to make it of most value to you. If you have a spare few minutes, please fill out the survey here.

Best wishes,

Paul Senior

Interim Assistant Director Education Services