MFL Networking News

This is an excellent opportunity for MFL teachers to take part in a workshop led by Gianfranco Conti. Gianfranco is Founder and CEO of the Language Gym and is a very difficult man to pin down as his sessions are in demand worldwide.
Places on this workshop are limited and priority will go to members of our networking group.
The session will be via Teams and a joining link will be circulated closer to the time.
Gianfranco Conti, PHD, Educational Consultant, and Author
This workshop will focus on the all-important Curriculum Design process by outlining a framework for the procedures involved from start to finish rooted in Gianfranco's review of the relevant literature.
This will involve taking the attendees through key steps in the Curriculum Design process and showing concrete examples, based on his approach, Extensive Processing Instruction.
Delegates will consider:
- The key components of curriculum design.
- The procedures involved in the design, implementation, and evaluation of a course.
- Acquisition-enhancing strategies (e.g., recycling, spaced retrieval practice, interleaving, universals, fluency training) and their application to curriculum design.
Join him on 14 June at 3.15 where the MFL Networking Group will be hosting author of the Language Teacher Toolkit, and educational consultant, Gianfranco Conti who will be delivering a workshop on curriculum design.
Any MFL teachers out there who want to join please contact