Heads Up 30 April 2021


Catch up with AP and Panels broadcasts recordings on YouTube

You will have seen in previous editions of Heads Up that the SEND & Inclusion Change Programme delivered some online broadcasts to help partners find out more about new processes for Alternative Provision and Needs-Focused Panels. These new processes are part of the SEND and Inclusion Change Programme in Warwickshire which aims to help every child access high-quality education so they can achieve their full potential. We want to work together to improve outcomes for our children and young people with SEND by promoting inclusion in mainstream settings, giving schools the skills and resources to meet the needs of learners and building the confidence of parents and carers.    

We are pleased to be able to offer you a YouTube version of these broadcasts that you can watch at any time

The broadcasts in March outlined changes to processes in the following areas: 

  • Alternative Provision led by Marie Rooney, Strategic Lead for Alternative Provision, focused on the requirements for an efficient and effective operating model and to ensure statutory compliance. 
  • Needs-Focussed Panel Processes led by Matt Greenhalgh, Strategic Lead for Children With Disabilities, focused on how we can ensure clear, fair, and transparent decision-making processes in accordance with the SEND Code of Practice and clear guidance to educational settings on their accountabilities and responsibilities. 

    Further updates will follow but if you have any other questions or comments in the meantime then please do get in touch with the SEND & Inclusion Change Programme: sendchange@warwickshire.gov.uk. 


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