Working together to improve school attendance
1. School Attendance Network – Save the Date
The Warwickshire Attendance Service and the Stowe Valley Multi Academy Trust are jointly planning a school attendance network event. The purpose of the event will be to discuss the new attendance guidance and begin the development of an attendance support network.
The proposed date is 6th March 2023, 12:30pm to 3:30pm
The initial meeting will be in person and is targeted at those responsible for school attendance, especially the school’s Attendance Champion. The venue is currently being arranged and further details will follow.
2. An invitation for schools to share daily attendance data and sign up for webinars
The DfE have advised local authorities that at some point this academic year they will start to contact schools who have not yet signed up to Wonde, as this will become a requirement.
78% of schools in England (77% of schools in Warwickshire) are now sharing daily attendance data with the DfE. Sharing data means you’ll be able to access daily attendance reports on view your education data.
3. To help you access and use the free reporting service, the DfE have a series of webinars for schools, trusts and local authorities starting this month. They will be holding monthly webinars, where you can learn about new features and get support with non-urgent technical issues.
4. Working together to improve school attendance is now the attendance guidance that should be used for schools, trusts, governing bodies and local authorities.
5. Improving attendance: good practice for schools and multi-academy trusts.
There are some really useful effective practice attendance webinars produced by the DfE in conjunction with schools, with good or improved attendance, sharing their good practice. It is highly recommended that your attendance lead/champion access this free resource.
6. Additional attendance resources are available on the Education Huband Teaching Blogs
Contact Us: If you wish to discuss any issues relating to school attendance, please feel free to contact the Warwickshire Attendance Service: