Celebrating Warwickshire’s Family of Schools

Senior mental health lead training

Find out how to apply for a grant and access DfE quality assured training to help develop a whole school or college approach to mental health and wellbeing.

The Department for Education (DfE) is offering a £1,200 grant for a senior member of school or college staff to access quality assured training to implement an effective whole school or college approach to mental health and wellbeing in your setting. Grants of £1,200 will be available to around a third of all eligible state schools and colleges in England in the 2021 to 2022 financial year. This is part of the government’s commitment to offer this training to all eligible schools and colleges by 2025.

The grant is provided to cover (or contribute to) the cost of attending a quality assured course and may also be used to hire supply staff whilst leads are engaged in learning.

Find out more here

EEF’s ‘A Tiered Approach’ Primary Programme for Spring 2022

Following the presentation by EEF on their Tiered Approach the summer term headteacher conference we have worked with Staffordshire Research School and EEF to develope the attached programme. We are inviting senior leaders from two schools per primary consortia group to a short modular course focusing on:

    • The EEF’s Tiered Approach to School Planning (Updated Oct 2021)
    • Disadvantaged and Post-Covid gaps
    • The Updated EEF toolkit (Updated Sept 2021)
    • ‘Putting Evidence to Work’ and effective implementation 


The course is being fully funded by the LA with support for cover costs included. Represented schools will be asked to cascade the key programme content within consortia meetings.Please find further details here with information on how to sign up.

HT Wellbeing: Free 30-minute webinar with James Pope of Headsup4HTs

By popular demand, James is returning (online!) to Warwickshire just before Christmas to share some reflections on the current educational landscape for headteachers and to share further tips to support headteacher wellbeing.  Some Warwickshire headteachers who have taken up the network support opportunities with James offered last summer will also share their experiences.
For further detail of the event please click here.
If you would like to attend this free 30-minute session on Thursday 9th December 9.30 - 10.00, please email schoolimprovement@warwickshire.gov.uk and you will be sent an invitation to the webinar which will be held on Teams.

Primary Mathematics Early Career Teacher Community

Are you in your first or second year of teaching?
Would you like to develop mathematical subject knowledge and deepen your understanding of the pedagogy that underpins the teaching of it?
This newfree community is designed to support primary early career teachers (teachers in their first two years of teaching) in developing their understanding of teaching mathematics, including lesson analysis and lesson design, thus supporting them to better understand, teach and respond to students in maths lessons.
Read here more. 

Managing Complex Complaints

At the end of November, Sue Casey and Julia Kenny from Governor Services, supported by Jane Carter from SEND and Debbie Hibberd from School Improvement held an event for headteachers about dealing with complex complaints. 

The volume of complaints that schools are facing has increased this year and the session looked at the concerns that school leaders have when dealing with difficult situations, considered the challenges that they face and worked together to identify strategies that can help in terms of resolution and managing wellbeing.

The feedback was very positive; Sukie Owers, Executive Head at Briar Hill Infants and St Margaret’s CE Juniors Schools in Leamington Spa said “This was an excellent session. The support and guidance have been a real support for mine and my staff's wellbeing.  This is just what us heads need right now in the most challenging of times. Thank you.”

So, if you are struggling with a complex situation, can identify with the experiences of these school leaders or just feel overwhelmed, maybe you would like to join our next session. This will take place on Wednesday 26 January from 9.30 – 11.30 am via Teams and is free of charge to all Warwickshire headteachers.  If you would like to book a place, please email governors@warwickshire.gov.uk or call 01926 745120.

More 18- to 24-year-olds and people from Nuneaton & Bedworth borough needed to be the ‘Voice of Warwickshire’!

Warwickshire County Council has had a fantastic response to its new residents’ panel, called ‘Voice of Warwickshire’, with over 830 residents already signed up to share their views.

But the Council wants more people aged 18 to 24 years old from across the county to sign up.

The Council also wants to be able to listen to the voices of more people in Nuneaton & Bedworth borough, who are also currently under-represented on the panel. 

‘Voice of Warwickshire’ has been formed to give people an opportunity to share their views, so the County Council can listen to the voices of as many people as possible. 

Warwickshire County Council wants their decisions and priorities to be informed by the views of a representative group of residents, to help them to understand their needs and improve how they work with communities in tackling the huge challenges that Warwickshire faces in a world that has been changed by COVID-19.

Read here more.

Human Rights Day 2021

Friday 10th December 7.00pm - 21.30

University of Warwick Arts Centre 

The event will aim to look into the position of Human Rights within our education system and society, and how we can make human rights more prominent in paving the way for future generations. 

Please click here for more information.

KOOTH Update - December 2021

Download here the poster. 

Download here the poster.

Find here "Handy Resource List for Services". 

Bring joy to vulnerable children this Christmas by donating with the Family Information Service

Christmas, a time for giving, is very nearly upon us, and the Family Information Service (FIS) are continuing their tradition of working in partnership with the Salvation Army to deliver presents.

Each year, the Salvation Army run their Christmas Present Appeal, asking the public to donate new, unwrapped toys and gifts for children which are then distributed to children who might not otherwise receive a Christmas present.

The FIS team inform local Salvation Army centres of families that need support and help to distribute the presents to the family homes in time for Christmas. In December 2020, they referred 56 families and delivered presents to 148 children across the county – making Christmas day special and full of joy for children who may not otherwise receive a Christmas present.

The FIS team are the embodiment of Child Friendly Warwickshire, making sure families and their children are heard, safe, healthy, skilled and happy. This year, help the FIS team by donating new, unwrapped gifts for children aged between 0-16.  Salvation Army will be collecting presents until mid-December.

Read here more. 

Avon Valley School Donates Over 70 Shoe Boxes

Kind hearted Year 7 students at The Avon Valley School and Performing Arts College have shown their generous nature by creating gift boxes which will be sent to disadvantaged youngsters many miles away.


Students from the school’s four Houses, Apollo, Fortune, Garrick and Phoenix, brought in items such as toys, toiletries, school equipment and other goodies for the boxes which will be sent to disadvantaged children across the globe.


In total seventy seven filled boxes were picked up by a representative from Samaritan’s Purse the organisation behind Operation Christmas Child an initiative which has sent millions of boxes to children is 130 countries since beginning back in 1990. 


Read here more. 


Thrive at work

The Thrive at Work team is running a thrive networking event for schools on 7 December. The event is open to those doing thrive and those who may be considering registering.

The event is on Tuesday 7 December on Teams from 4pm-5pm. 

Anyone interested in joining please contact Jenny Duggan:  jenny.duggan@coventry.gov.uk

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