WE3 Family of schools

School Categorisations

As most of you will know, Warwickshire’s School Improvement team carry out regular risk assessments of all schools and academies to identify vulnerabilities.

Headteachers and Chairs of Governors will shortly be receiving the categorisation for their school for this academic year. Where appropriate, copies will also be sent to the chair of academy trust boards. 

It is vital that we have the email address of the chair of governors so that this information can be sent to the correct person. If you want to check that we have the right details, please email us at governors@warwickshire.gov.uk

Schools are categorised using a thorough risk assessment process as well as being RAG (Red, Amber, Green) rated to indicate the progress they are making within their individual category. For further information please refer to the documents below:

Categorisation criteria 

Categorisation Guidance Document

Key updates from the DfE

Apply to the Trust Capacity Fund

Application form and guidance for trusts wishing to apply to the 2019 to 2020 Trust Capacity Fund (TCaF).

Statutory guidance: Schools causing concern

Statutory guidance on local authorities' and regional schools commissioners' responsibilities relating to schools and PRUs causing concern.

School governance update

Important news and communications from the Department for Education (DfE) relating to governance in maintained schools and academy trusts in England.

Guidance to help schools prepare for Ofsted

James McNeillie HMI has asked us to draw attention to this guidance leaflet from Ofsted to help schools to gather the information that they will be asked to provide to inspectors during their visit.

James also advised that it would be helpful for the inspection if timetables can be made available to inspectors before they arrive onsite - this will mean that leaders and inspectors can draft an inspection schedule that fits with staff availability and the evidence that they will need to be able to consider. 

You can find more information in the 'Inspecting maintained schools and academies: a leaflet for maintained schools and academies'.

Coming soon in Your HR - The roll out of employee self service (ESS) to schools

Earlier in September, we advised you about the enhancement in Your HR to provide Employee Self Service (ESS) for school employees.

Click here to read the previous update from Your HR

Employee Self Service will enable your employees to access Your HR to view and download their payslips and P60s, set up e-Form preferences to have their payslip emailed to them each month and the ability to update their bank details. They will also be able to view their personal and basic employment details.

There are many benefits of Employee Self Service, some of which include:

  • it is cheaper and more environmentally friendly than paper payslips
  • it removes the risk of payslips going missing therefore dramatically reducing the risk of data breaches
  • employees will be able to access it 24/7 and view backdated copies of their payslips (to the Your HR live date).

There will be a piece of work to do in the autumn term to confirm employee’s email addresses and create their log-ins and we will be in touch again nearer the time to confirm the details of this.

To contact us with any suggestions, requests or feedback please email weshrandpayroll@warwickshire.gov.uk 

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