Dear Headteachers,
I hope you all had a nice and restful Easter Break.
This week, I had the pleasure of visiting Trinity Catholic School in Leamington Spa to meet the CEO and staff. It was great to hear some feedback on LA services, the school’s commitment to working with the LA and how the LA and the school can work together to the benefit of young people in the area. It was also nice to walk around and see the school in action. My thanks to the staff there.
I also had a lovely meeting with IMPACT, the young people’s forum for SEND and wider voice. They spoke to me about their ambitions and asked me how I will ensure that their voice is on a par with the parent/carer voice and holds equal value. They have also started to design their own survey and feedback form to gather views of young people across the county on their experiences at school, so we can understand further what their needs and priorities are. I think it is a credit to the county, and all involved, to see such passion and commitment from intelligent and articulate young people.
I was also given a somewhat challenging question when asked what was my favourite cheese and why? My answer was Cyprus Halloumi as it is so versatile and can be included in any dish! My thanks to IMPACT for their invite and I hope there will be many more meetings going forwards. I hope they will be able, at some point, to contribute to a Headteacher Seminar. The school inclusion charter they co-produced can be found here:
As a final note, the Fair Access Protocol is being reviewed by LA officers and a group of representative Heads on May 4th. If anyone wishes to join us, they are most welcome. Please contact my PA:
Best wishes
Johnny Kyriacou,
Assistant Director for Education Services.