Key COVID-19 Outbreak Measures for schools – November 2021
Public Health have put together a set of measures to assist you in managing your cases (based on all the material that can be found on our website: We would also like to highlight a change in our notification process for schools.
Notification of cases in schools (note different process for early years settings)
- For schools there is no longer a need to submit case details to WCC via the Microsoft Form process we previously used
- We would however ask schools to complete the DfE Daily Education Settings Status form, which we will use to collate important data, which will allow us to risk assess and support our proactive work with schools.
- In addition, we would ask schools to please come to us (on during the week or at weekends) for support/advice with outbreaks (i.e 2 or more linked cases), as although we have additional data sources we will be consulting, there will be a time lag in the data we do have, and so we are keen to hear from you promptly about cases you have to provide timely support.
- We may need to ask you to complete a ‘case tracker’ form if you do have an outbreak (we can share our own generic tracker, or we can support with analysing your own trackers – which should collect a minimum of date tested, data symptomatic, date last in setting, and year group for all of your cases).
Close contact testing
- Identify all close contacts the pupil/staff cases may have had in their infectious period (in class, break and lunch times, before and after school and transport) and establish if there are links (see schools flowchart)
- Notify parents/guardians that their child may have been in close contact with a positive case (see letters)
- Notify staff that they may have been in close contact with a positive case
- Recommend identified close contacts take PCR Test, and continue with regular LFT testing. If close contacts are coming into the setting, we recommend daily LFTs until PCR result is returned. We will also support headteachers who choose to ask parents if they would keep close contacts at home (particularly household contacts of cases) until they test PCR negative.
- Isolate identified close contacts who are not exempt from isolation: i.e. those who are not fully vaccinated (need to have had both vaccinations and second dose should have been more than 14 clear days prior to first exposure to cases) – they can still be recommended to have a PCR test and continue with regular LFT testing, but need to remain isolated for 10 clear days after their last contact
- Where there are more than 30% of children in a class/15% in a year who have tested positive, please contact us to undertake a risk assessment regarding sending close contacts for a PCR test and allowing them to return following a positive result – to slow down transmission.
Face coverings
- Consider temporarily reintroducing face coverings (for all education setting staff as well as secondary school pupils (including in classrooms)) if have 5 or more linked cases (or earlier if you wish)
Reducing mixing
- Consider ways in which children can be "zoned", or how mixing might be reduced in ways that will fit with how you are operating your school: e.g. at lunch and break times, start and finish times. Think particularly about places people congregate, e.g. foyers, locker areas, staff rooms/offices/meeting rooms, changing rooms etc. Suggest risk assessing sports fixtures, planned trips etc.
- Ensure good ventilation in all communal and classroom areas
- Please take up the WCC offer of a ventilation assessment for all schools with senior school age children. Please email and we will facilitate organising this. We will also have an amount of capped funding to support schools with the immediate ventilation measures recommended during the assessments – please get in contact at the above address.
Regular LFT testing
- Encourage LFT testing regularly among staff, pupils and parents (including among close contacts who are being asked to PCR test) – as a minimum twice weekly
- Encourage visitors to leave contact details and be mindful if bringing others onto site, ensuring full distancing if there are cases in school.
- Encourage vaccine take up among staff/parents and eligible pupils:
- Drop-in clinics across Coventry and Warwickshire and all vaccinations sites that you can book into in the links below:
- For young people aged between 16 and 17 years and 9 months - see drop in sites at:
Hand hygiene and cleaning
- Remind children and staff to wash their hands regularly and use sanitiser where possible
- Continue with regular cleaning routine and very regular cleaning down touchpoints and areas of heavy traffic, Please see our cleaning guidance
If you have concerns about any of the above measures/queries, please do contact us again. We will be prioritising those schools with the largest outbreaks, and so we thank you for your patience.