Summer Reading Challenge 2020 - now online!
The Summer Reading Challenge has taken place in libraries across the UK for 20 years, giving children the chance to continue their reading for pleasure over the long summer holidays. Free incentives help them achieve the goal of reading any six books of their choosing and enjoy fun activities related to the year’s theme in their local libraries along the way.
With the current closure of public libraries, The Reading Agency has re-designed the challenge this year to work online, with a special website where families can securely join their 4-11 year olds and children can download the activities that will keep them going.
The welcome theme of 'fun and humorous books' was chosen long before the pandemic and the characters that help the children through are:

- Bamboozle the panda
- Izzie the octopus
- Lily the frog
- Merry the giraffe
- Snook the penguin
Helping to promote the challenge are many high profile children's authors including much-loved Jacqueline Wilson who said:
"I feel the Summer Reading Challenge is extra important this year! How sensible to have a Silly theme. We've all had to deal with serious and scary issues, so it's time for a bit of fun. There are so many comical and crazy children's books to cheer us all up. Let's get reading and get happy!"
Warwickshire public libraries want to help you to encourage your pupils who are now in school and those still learning at home.
Please have a look at the further information attached below. To help schools to communicate with parents, Warwickshire Libraries have provided a letter explaining all about the challenge that you can download below:
Summer Reading Challenge Frequently Asked Questions
Letter to send out to parents
If you would like any further information please contact