Compass - Warwickshire Young Person’s Substance Misuse Service

Compass Warwickshire provides early help/prevention, targeted and specialist support interventions and activities for young people and vulnerable adults who are affected by their own or another person’s substance misuse. We provide services for young people who are at risk of using substances, are experimenting with substances or who are using them regularly. Through our consistent, reliable, solution-focused working, we see high levels of engagement with young people we work with. By showing value, care and commitment to improving the holistic outcomes of each individual, we are able to provide a service which empowers young people to build resilience and take control of issues affecting their lives whilst promoting healthier lifestyles.
We work collaboratively with a range of organisations such as Social Care, Youth Justice, Housing, Hospitals, Education, Mental Health and Targeted Youth Support amongst others. We work closely with these specialist agencies, alongside our whole family approach, to enhance the outcomes for young people and their families, maximizing the use of resources and minimizing duplication of activity. All services provided are outreach and can be facilitated in schools.
As well as directly helping young people, Compass Warwickshire has developed a bespoke programme of support for the wider children and vulnerable adults’workforce, including training and professional consultation for schools. The package of support includes localized training programmes and materials, as well as liaison work, advocacy and one-to-one support for fellow professionals
Services and Interventions available to be delivered in schools
- Early help & Prevention - Individual and Group Work
- Targeted and Specialist Substance Misuse Interventions
- Smoking Cessation Service
- Hidden Harm Interventions
- Chathealth & Parentline - messaging service for confidential advice and support about child health related issues for Parents/Carers & young people (aged 11-19 years)
- Professional Consultation
Compass is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people.
If you need to refer someone to the Young Person's Substance Misuse Service, please complete this form and return it via secure E-mail to