Heads Up 15 September 2023


Statutory School Census – 2023/24 Academic Year

The statutory school census dates of the 2023/24 academic year are as follows: 

                                    Census Day                 

Autumn                       Thu 5th Oct                              

Spring                         Thu 18th Jan                            

Summer                      Thu 16th May                          

We ask that all maintained schools submit their return to the LA, via the School Upload System, by the end of the following day i.e. Autumn 23 census by Friday 6th October. 

Data collected via these returns are used by the DFE for funding purposes, to support strategic objectives and to inform policy decisions.  

The autumn school census will be used to fund the schools block of the dedicated schools grant and the pupil premium. 

It is therefore vitally important that you are satisfied with the accuracy of your schools’ return before submitting it, and that it is returned by the prescribed deadlines.  

Prior to each census ICT Development Service will up-load census documentation to the Warwickshire Learning Platform (WeLearn365) which can be found at: http://bit.ly/midaspages and on the download site http://wsd.we-learn.com/downloads. These will assist you in preparing and running your census returns. 

If you have any technical queries regarding the SIMS system and generating the return, please contact the ICT Development Service Desk on (01926) 414100. 

If you have any other questions about this data collection, please contact Michelle Ali, Business Intelligence on 01926 742169 or by e-mail businessintelligence@warwickshire.gov.uk 

Thank you for your continued support with these collections. 


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