Heads Up 15 July 2022


Dear Colleagues,

The last Heads Up of the school year.  And what a year. I do hope you get chance to reflect on all you have achieved over the year which has been unlike any other. The challenges and opportunities have been huge and this summer has been a very busy one, not only in relation to all the events, activities, examinations that have taken place but also anticipating and responding to a range of issues that have resulted from the pandemic.

Thank you for all you have done and thanks to all your staff too. I wish you all a regenerative and enjoyable break over the summer.

In other news

Please remember that during the summer holidays, parents/carers of children in Warwickshire schools/settings who are eligible for benefits related Free School Meals will once again be receiving automatic financial support for food to the value of £45 per eligible child from 20th July 2022, this does not apply to children on the universal free school meal offer. 

This support is in addition to the Holidays Activity and Food (HAF) programme. 

If you have any further questions, please email localwelfarescheme@warwickshire.gov.uk

As we reach the end of the academic year we say goodbye and thank you to some of our headteacher colleagues.  All those who are moving on have made a difference to the lives of children, families, staff and communities in many different ways, not least in steering them through the most challenging of times during the pandemic.  You can read more about those who are leaving below.  Thank you and good luck for the future to:

Finally I'm pleased to inform you that Darren Barrow will remain in Warwickshire County Council as School Improvement Lead and Sustainability Commissioner moving forward.

We are out to advert for a School Improvement Lead Commissioner, a role that Margot Brown has been undertaking. Margot has been a tireless champion for education, and education in Warwickshire. Her dedication and focus on supporting schools and school leaders, including new headteachers has made a huge difference to colleagues and to the children and young people that have come through schools and settings. Margot is moving on to pastures new and we wish her all the best for the future.

Best wishes 

Chris Baird

Interim Assistant Director for Education Services.