CPD event for teachers of A Level Computer Science
FAO Headteachers, Computer Science Teachers
The Griffin Teaching School Alliance - An introduction to Visual Basic, C# and Object Oriented Programming for A Level Computer Science
The course will involve learning about the concepts of using the Visual Basic and C# programming languages in order to support the teaching of exam concepts and the NEA coursework projects for A Level Computer Science.
This will include how to use both console (text) and form based (GUI) interfaces in Visual Studio.
The course will also involve an introduction to the concept of Object Oriented Programming and how to teach these concepts practically using Visual Basic and C#.
Much of the course will be practically based, using both Visual Basic and C#
No laptops are required, guest accounts will be provided on the school network for the session.
Venue: Lawrence Sheriff School, Clifton Road, Rugby
Date & Time: Friday 29thJune, 9.30 until 15.00, refreshments on arrival and lunch provided.
Cost £50 per participant