In April 2017, Exclusions were relocated to the Admissions team. Nikki Daly, Jessica Waterhouse & Claire Thornicroft are now dealing with queries from schools and parents and with the recording of exclusion data.
“We are focussing on providing accurate, up-to-date advice to schools and parents as well as aiming to reduce the number of permanent exclusions in Warwickshire”
Since April, the Exclusions team have been notified of 14 permanent exclusions of Warwickshire children.
The team are working with schools around the County to provide advice and support. As well as aiming to reduce the number of permanent exclusions, the team will be challenging and reporting schools found to be issuing unlawful exclusions. There is a guide to unlawful exclusions below, as well as a refresher on making a decision to permanently exclude.
There is work underway to implement a more efficient way of recording exclusions data through the Synergy system, this is due to go live in September.
The DFE have recently consulted on new exclusions guidelines to be published later this year. Whilst there are no significant changes, the new guidelines will clarify certain aspects of the process. The consultation has now closed, but schools can still view the proposed guidance document on the following website: https://consult.education.gov.uk/school-absence-and-exclusions-team/statutory-exclusion-guidance/
It is important to remember that Ofsted will consider exclusions during a school inspection, please take the time to familiarise yourself with the Ofsted document ‘Schools Use of Exclusion’.
Contact Exclusions
Phone: 01926 738353
Email: exclusions@warwickshire.gov.uk
What is an unlawful exclusion?
There are only two types of exclusion which are lawful: permanent and fixed-period. Anything else is unlawful.
Any exclusion of a pupil, even for a short period of time, must be formally recorded and only the Headteacher of a school can exclude a pupil.
Unlawful exclusions could include:
- Sending a pupil home to “cool-off”
- Encouraging a parent to sign a document stating that their child will be 'home educated' and taken off the school roll
- Requesting that a pupil be collected early
- Putting pressure on a parent to withdraw a child from a school under threat of permanent exclusion
- Reducing a pupil’s timetable “to prevent exclusion”
- Simply telling a pupil not to return to the school
- Placing a child in an alternative provision schedule during their GCSE year
If a school is found to be excluding informally/unlawfully, the Exclusions team will take steps to report the school in question to higher authorities.
Taking the decision to permanently exclude
A decision to exclude a pupil permanently should only be taken:
- in response to a serious breach, or persistent breaches, of the school's behaviour policy; and
- where allowing the pupil to remain in school would seriously harm the education or welfare of the pupil or others in the school.
Headteachers should, as far as is possible, avoid excluding permanently any pupil with an EHCP or who is Looked After and should consider what additional support is necessary for those more at risk of exclusion:
- Pupils with SEN;
- Pupils eligible for Free School Meals;
- Looked After Children; and
- Pupils from certain ethnic groups
There are teams within Warwickshire County Council who can help schools with challenging pupils. It is important to explore all options before taking the decision to permanently exclude; if you’re unsure what help is available call the Exclusions team for advice.
If a permanent exclusion is given, Headteachers must complete the LIF and send to the Exclusions team on the same day that the decision is taken.