Wellbeing webinar for parents, carers and professionals
Warwickshire Educational Psychology Service (EPS) has developed a webinar to support emotional wellbeing in response to the Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic.
The session is aimed at parents/carers, secondary aged young people, school staff and other professionals, and is being made available free of charge as part of the service's work to virtually support families and staff in Warwickshire during this time.
Based upon the principles of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), the webinar aims to be accessible to all as an introduction to the approach within the current context.
It will be delivered live on Wednesday 13 May at 9am, lasting approximately 40 minutes, it will consist of a 25 minute presentation and a 15 minute Q&A session.
The attached flyer has further information on how to register for the webinar.