Provisional Headline Results for 2016
Primary Assessment Results
Congratulations to Warwickshire’s pupils and teachers on another successful year of assessment results.
EYFSP – The percentage of pupils achieving a good level of development increased again in 2016 with 71% of Warwickshire’s pupils achieving this measure. This is up 4 percentage points (ppts) on last years result for Warwickshire and 2ppts up on the National 2016 average currently standing at 69%.
Phonics Year 1 – A similar upwards trend has been seen with the percentage of Year 1 pupils in Warwickshire working at or above the required standard in the phonics recoding test. In 2016, this stands at 82%, up 5ppts on Warwickshire’s result last year and 1ppt up on the 2016 National result of 81%.
Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 – 2016 saw the first set of results based on the new KS1 and KS2 curriculums and provisional results show that Warwickshire pupils have achieved well compared to those nationally.
For KS1 – 62% of Warwickshire pupils achieved the expected standard or above in the combined Reading, Writing and Maths measure, 2ppts higher than the current provisional National result of 60%. 12% of Warwickshire pupils achieved the ‘working at greater depth’ standard compared to 9% of pupils nationally for the same Reading, Writing and Maths measure.
For KS2 – 57% of Warwickshire pupils achieved the expected standard or above in the combined Reading, Writing and Maths measure, 5ppts higher than the current provisional National result of 52%. 8% of Warwickshire pupils achieved the ‘working at greater depth/high’ standard compared to 5% of pupils nationally for the same Reading, Writing and Maths measure.
Progress data is not yet available to the Local Authority. You can view your schools progress data via the KS2 Performance Tables checking exercise website:
Please look out for an e-mail from our Business Intelligence team ( containing your school and consortium data position statements. These contain the latest 2016 results for your school.
Please note that all 2016 results are still provisional and could be subject to minor changes. Further analysis of individual subjects, published National and other benchmarking data will be made available by the DfE during the Autumn term.
Secondary Examination Results
Thank you to all secondary schools and academies that posted results on both examination result days in August. Congratulations go to all Warwickshire pupils and teachers for the success that was achieved.
Key Stage 4 - Based on an 89% response rate (31 school results), 68% of Warwickshire pupils achieved A*-C in English and Maths, up 5ppts on last years result. Warwickshire’s average Attainment 8 score currently stands at 51.1 equating to an average grade of C. The percentage of Warwickshire pupils achieving the EBacc stands at 28%, 1ppt up on the 2015 result.
Progress 8 data is not yet available to the Local Authority. These results will be made available by the DfE later in the Autumn term. They will also publish provisional KS4 results on their statistics website mid-October time.
Post 16 - Based on an 85% response rate (23 school and college results), 16% of Warwickshire students achieved the AAB or higher standard in at least 2 facilitating subjects up 3ppts on last years result. 95% of Warwickshire students achieved at least 2 A*-E grades, the same as last year. The average A Level grade achieved was a C.54% of Warwickshire students achieved at least 2 substantial vocational qualifications with an average grade of Distinction.
There is no national KS4 or Post 16 data available at this point.
Please note that all 2016 results are still very provisional and will be subject to change. Published National and other benchmarking data will be made available by the DfE during the Autumn term.