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Event for Category A Schools

Event for Headteachers from Category A Schools:-

Developing School to School Support Models. Led by HMI Usha Devi, the session will equip headteachers to deliver school to school support activities. 

22nd September 2016, 9am- 1pm, Honiley Court Hotel, Contact Stephenheight@warwickshire.gov.uk

Newly Qualified Teachers Welcome to Warwickshire Event

This event is run by The Griffin Teaching School Alliance on behalf of Warwickshire LA and is free for NQTs registered with Warwickshire LA. 

Join us for this opportunity to meet and network with other Warwickshire NQTs, engage in a workshop and listen to recently qualified teachers to informally discuss their own experiences. There will also be a welcome address from Warwickshire Local Authority.

See link below for more information:


“Warwickshire Sings” A Singing Workshop for Grown Ups

“Warwickshire Sings” A Singing Workshop for Grown Ups

A Singing Workshop for Grown Ups Directed by Sheila Russell & Garry Jones Saturday 24 September 2016 Coten End Workshop, Coten End Primary School, Coten End, Warwick, CV34 4NP 10 am— 3pm

To book your FREE place and for more information about the day go to www.warwickshiremusichub.org/events

An opportunity to enjoy the simple pleasure of singing directed by two absolute legends of vocal & choral direction

Please click here for more information


Save the date - Primary

Event for Category A Schools

Event for Headteachers from Category A Schools:-

Developing School to School Support Models. Led by HMI Usha Devi, the session will equip headteachers to deliver school to school support activities. 

22nd September 2016, 9am- 1pm, Honiley Court Hotel, Contact Stephenheight@warwickshire.gov.uk

Primary SENCO Conference

Monday 10th October 2016

Dunchurch Park Hotel

Rugby Road, Dunchurch, Rugby, CV22 6QW

8:45 – 4pm


For more information please click here


Primary PE Subject Leaders Day

Thursday 3rd November 2016, 9 - 4pm at the Ricoh Arena, Coventry

Aimed at Primary PE Teachers and Subject Leaders. Keynote speech by Dr Hamnett and workshops including assessment of PE, practical PE ideas, effective use of leaders and workforce, healthy active lifestyles, demonstrating impact of PE premium and the power of an active school all to support schools in spending their Primary PE and School Sport premium effectively, to increase quality, standards, participation and demonstrate impact.

To book your place visit www.peschoolsportcsw.org.uk/pe-conference . Book before 7th October and get early bird offer of just £70 for the day including refreshments.

There are also two other CPD sessions on offer from CSW Sport :

  • Real PE Starting 30th November 2016 in Rugby – Giving all children the physical literacy, emotional and thinking skills to achieve in PE, sport and life. For more details visit - www. peschoolsportcsw.org.uk/create
  • Real Gym Thursday 26th January in Coventry - Real Gym explodes the myths around teaching gymnastic skills and provides simple, progressive steps that make it easy to implement. For more details visit - www. peschoolsportcsw.org.uk/create

Closing the Gap Conference

Friday 2 December 2016 (morning only), Chesford Grange, Kenilworth

Warwickshire County Council has identified Closing the Gap as a major area for development. A project has been running for two years in response to the challenge of closing the attainment gap between disadvantaged pupils and their peers. As national research reports the full impact of the pupil premium is not yet clear but significant improvements are being made. We are hosting a second conference as part of the Warwickshire project to look at progress so far and share strategies that are working effectively to close the achievement gap of disadvantaged pupils in schools. 
Keynote presentations will include: 
  • Ofsted on the local and national position on Closing the Gap data and latest key policy messages
  • Sharing good practice - the peer review process and Sound Training
  • A keynote speaker from this years Pupils Premium awards. 
The conference is open to primary and secondary schools. Schools whose performance of Pupil premium pupils compared to non pupil premium pupils is greater than 20% and there has been a downward trend will be particularly encouraged to attend and two places will be available per school. 
Further details and invitations will be circulated via email over the next couple of weeks. 
For any further information please contact Sophie Thompson on 01926 746961 or via email tosophiethompson@warwickshire.gov.uk



Save the date - Secondary

Event for Category A Schools

Event for Headteachers from Category A Schools:-

Developing School to School Support Models. Led by HMI Usha Devi, the session will equip headteachers to deliver school to school support activities. 

22nd September 2016, 9am- 1pm, Honiley Court Hotel, Contact Stephenheight@warwickshire.gov.uk

Secondary SENCO Conference

Monday 10th October 2016

Dunchurch Park Hotel

Rugby Road, Dunchurch, Rugby, CV22 6QW

8:45 – 4pm


For more information please click here



Enterprise Adviser Network – Launch Event

Enterprise Adviser Network – Launch Event.

Thursday 20th October 2016, 4.15pm - 6.30pm at The Lloyds Bank Advanced Manufacturing Training Centre on the MTC’s Ansty Park Campus, Coventry, CV7 9JU. An opportunity for schools across Warwickshire and Coventry to learn how to get involved in the programme. Each school is invited to send up to 3 representatives (Headteacher or another SLT member, Chair of Governors, person responsible for careers guidance).

Contact for more information and to book: David Lennox   david.lennox@cwgrowthhub.co.uk





Annual Skills Conference

Monday 13th March 2017, 7.30am - 10.00am, Chesford Grange, Kenilworth, Warwick, CV8 2LD. Full details will be available nearer the date

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