Heads Up May 7 2021


Community provision market testing Phase 2

Warwickshire County Council and NHS Coventry and Warwickshire CCG are inviting organisations delivering or interested in delivering community support to contribute to the redesign of the community support model through the market testing activities taking place between 26th April 2021 to 14th May 2021. The market testing will inform the understanding of the potential of the local market to provide the required support offer and to explore innovative ways of delivering the community support services.  More information is available in the Market testing information pack that can be found in the CSW JETS website.

To access this opportunity simply log into CSW-JETS, hover over the "Tenders" Tab at the top of the page, select "Current”, using the search functionality on the left hand side of the page, insert the name “WCC Market Testing - Community provision for adults with disabilities, neurodevelopmental conditions and/or mental health needs” or reference “WCC 10529” in the search, find the opportunity and Click on "View Details".

We hope this opportunity is of interest to you. Here is the market testing process and key dates that are also found in the market testing information pack in greater detail:

Phase two

Market testing to get feedback on proposed community support model developed following the first phase of engagement activities.


Market testing pack sent out to providers through CSW Jets

26th April 2021

Market engagement online workshops for providers to further explore the proposed models and survey questions with commissioners.  


29th April 2021 – 11th May 2021

Deadline for phase two market testing response returns. 

14th May 2021

If you need any further assistance please feel free to email us on disabilitiescommissioning@warwickshire.gov.uk.


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