Warwickshire Closing the Gap Conference 2016
Friday 2nd December 2016, 8.30/9.00-12.30
Chesford Grange, Kenilworth, Warwickshire, CV8 2LD
** This event is targeted at schools whose data shows a greater than average gap between disadvantaged pupils and others in Warwickshire and where there are more than 5 disadvantaged pupils.**
The aim of this conference is to look at successful school strategies to close the achievement gap of disadvantaged pupils in schools. Specific objectives are:
- To examine how disadvantaged pupils are helped to achieve high standards in schools
- To look at transitions between primary and secondary
- To share good practice to raise achievement and narrow the gap
Closing the gap between the achievement of disadvantaged pupils and their peers is the biggest challenge faced by policy makers, teachers and school leaders in England, and is our highest priority in Warwickshire.
The conference is an opportunity to hear from Lorna Fitzjohn, Ofsted Regional Director West Midlands and to learn what has proven to work from the experiences of classroom practitioners and schools where the gap has narrowed.
There are two places available per school available for Head teachers, Deputy Head teachers and/or Chair of Governors or their representative.
Please email sophiethompson@warwickshire.gov.uk to book your place. Alternatively telephone 01926 746961.
Sophie Thompson
Closing the Gap Project Manager
Education and Learning
Tel: 01926 746961
8.30 Registration, tea and coffee
9.00 Welcome and opening remarks
Overview of the Closing the gap project and what we have learned so far. Jane Spilsbury, Service Manager - Learning and Performance, Education and Learning
9.15 Ofsted perspective on Closing the Gap and policy overview
Update on national and Warwickshire’s position on Closing the Gap and the latest policy messages including concerns over transitions from Primary to Secondary. Lorna Fitzjohn, Ofsted Regional Director West Midlands
9.45 Questions
10.00 Science Transition Project
Overview of the Primary and Secondary science partnerships which are being established to support transition and raise standards in Science. Amanda Poole, Science Specialist Teacher, Ogden Teacher Fellow, Primary Science Teaching Trust Fellow at Shrubland Primary.
10.30 Tea and coffee
10.45 Workshops – session 1

11.30 Workshops – session 2
12.15 Sum up and close
12.30 Lunch