Need-to-know updates
Secretary of State speech at the National Association of Head Teachers conference
On 4th May, Damian Hinds spoke at the NAHT conference where he announced plans to improve teacher early career support and development, as well as new measures on school accountability:
Ofsted - changes to timing of inspections for 'good' and 'requires improvement' schools
Schools rated 'good' will now be re-inspected every 4 years instead of every 3 years. This also applies to 'good' or 'outstanding' special schools, maintained nursery schools and pupil referral units. These schools will still be subject to short inspections.
Schools graded as 'requires improvement' will now have their next section 5 inspection "usually within 30 months" of their inspection report being published. This would previously have been no later than 24 months. 'Requires Improvement' schools may still receive section 8 monitoring inspections in this time.
Ofsted School Inspection handbook
DfE publishes GDPR toolkit for schools
The Department for Education have published a toolkit for schools, to support them in implementing the new requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation that come into force from 25 May 2018.
The 68-page document features guidance, tips and case studies on how schools are preparing for the new laws.
GDPR Toolkit for Schools
Reception baseline assessment confirmed for September 2020 launch
The Department for Education has confirmed that the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) will develop and deliver the new reception baseline assessment which will be implemented from 2020. The assessment will be administered as a 20 minute, teacher-recorded assessment of children's communication, language, literacy and early mathematics skills. A timeline of activities has been published from 2018-2023.
New measures for fairer recording of primary school performance
Education Select Committee - School Funding Survey
The Education Select Committee has announced an inquiry "to inform the Department for Education's bid for funding for schools and colleges, and to consider whether a longer-term vision needs to be taken of education funding in England."
Written submissions to the inquiry on the following issues are invited:
- What the Department for Education's priorities should be for the next Spending Review period as they relate to schools and colleges
- Whether the spending review cycle is the best mechanism for determining overall expenditure on schools and colleges, and what that level should be
- The effectiveness of targeted funding such as the pupil premium, and its relationship to core education funding
- The practical implementation of the national funding formula
Please visit the link below to respond to the online survey:
Grant funding to support schools to meet the needs of children with SEND
Are you a vibrant collaboration of primary, early years or special schools/settings committed to action-led research and innovation to improve outcomes for children? Are you in an area of multiple-deprivation and challenge?
The Laurel Trust, a relatively new educational charity, offers supportive funding for schools and academies in areas of deprivation and challenge to enable research and innovative developments linked to school improvement.
The Trust has just completed a successful pilot year with thirteen imaginative projects in diverse geographical areas from Blackpool to Kings Lynn to the East Sussex coast. Projects are being disseminated locally and hopefully regionally to be of wider benefit to other schools - with one of the research projects in the north being used as a model for further innovation in three large areas including Belfast. In 2018-19, The Laurel Trust will be funding further projects that will focus on children with special educational needs and disabilities.
The latest application round opened at the end of April and closes at 5pm on 25th May 2018. Applications in this round should be focused explicitly on meeting the needs of children, removing barriers to learning and building capacity for future improvement.
More information and guidance on how to apply is available on their website or on the attached flyer. You can also view two case studies from the pilot:
Forest Way Teaching School Alliance Case Study
Pupil Referral Unit in Blackpool Case Study