The Best Start: Ready to learn, ready for life

A task group comprising early years practitioners from settings and childminders and Warwickshire Schools. alongside LA officers, Public Health and Health service colleagues have worked together to generate a shared view of what it means to be ready for School.
The group believe that:
 'For a child to be school ready they will be an independent and curious learner, developed through positive interactions and investigation within safe, secure environments. They will be confident to communicate their needs, have the ability to regulate their emotions and will have become an emotionally resilient, happy child, who is supported by aspirational Parents/ Carers, Early Years settings and Schools'.
For this to be successful we also need, ready schools, ready early years providers and ready families.

To help to being this to fruition,  a suite of electronic documents has been designed by the task group to support a consistent approach to school readiness between home, the early years setting, childminders and schools. 

You can download the materials here:

Download the Warwickshire Early Years Transitions Tool Kit

They include:

  • A trifold leaflet for families and professionals
  • A policy document
  • A summary policy for parents and carers
  • A range of supportive resources
  • A partnership agreement for all partners, schools, and early years providers

The purpose of the partnership agreement is for all organisations delivering early years services to agree a use a consistent approach across Warwickshire. 

Whilst this is guidance, Amanda King, Strategic Lead for early years in Warwickshire is hoping for a large number of early education and childcare organisations to join the many partners who have pledged to support and implement the partnership agreement. 

Amanda would also like to thank everyone who participated in the task group for their time and commitment.

Please click on the link below to complete the partnership agreement.


Once we have received the partnership agreement you will receive an electronic logo and certificate to use within your educational provision.

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