Heads Up 6 June 2019


Ian BuddWelcome

A warm welcome to this latest edition of Heads Up, and my first since taking over as Assistant Director for Education Services in Warwickshire.

As many of you will be aware, I unfortunately had an unexpected spontaneous Ischemic Stroke in April. I am thankful and very fortunate to be well enough now to return to take up the helm within the education department, initially with a phased-return. I am also very grateful for the encouragement and support I have received from family, friends and colleagues that has enabled the journey to a speedy recovery.  

I am grateful to Hayley Good and the senior education leadership team for stepping up during this time to ensure ‘business as usual’ and for continuing to drive forward the work of our Warwickshire Education Strategy with its clear direction and purpose. In the time I spent familiarising myself with the Warwickshire Family of Schools, I have been impressed by the level of support and passion demonstrated for the work of education locally, and can really appreciate the significant role this plays in shaping the future life chances and choices for local children and young people. The commitment to the care and wellbeing of children, young people, families and colleagues is also very important and evident.

I hope you all enjoyed a good half-term break last week. Work continued apace in the education team during that time, and we look forward to further creative weeks ahead. I am eager to make the most of the opportunity to meet many of you next Wednesday 12 June at the Headteachers’ Conference in Stoneleigh. The theme of this event is ‘Ethical Leadership’ and we are delighted to be joined by Carolyn Roberts, Chair of the National Ethical Leadership Commission. We look forward to hearing Carolyn’s thoughts on the subject and also to receiving an update from James McNeillie, our Ofsted Assistant Regional Director on the revised Ofsted inspection framework. If you are yet to book your place, there is still time to do so – see the full agenda and link to the booking form here.

Last week we also saw the unveiling of the plans for the new secondary school on the Houlton site in Rugby. These are very exciting proposals and I look forward to seeing the new school develop over the months ahead.

I really appreciate your ongoing hard work and support. I look forward to meeting as many of you as possible over the coming weeks and months, and to working closely in partnership with you all.

Best wishes,

Ian Budd

Assistant Director for Education Services