Celebrating Warwickshire’s Family of Schools

Update to DfE targeted support fund offer to support teachers and leaders participating in national professional qualifications (NPQs) from the 2023 to 2024 academic year

DfE have updated the targeted support fund offer for the 2023 to 2024 academic year to further incentivise state-funded schools and state-funded 16 to 19 educational settings in England to participate in NPQs. 

For each state-funded school and 16 to 19 organisation that employs a teacher or leader who takes a NPQ in the 2023 to 2024 academic year, the following funding will apply: 

  • state-funded primary schools with 1 to 150 pupils will receive a grant payment of £800 
  • state-funded primary schools with more than 150 pupils will receive a grant payment of £200  
  • state-funded secondary schools and state-funded 16 to 19 educational settings with 1 to 600 pupils will receive a grant payment of £200 

You can read the targeted support funding grant conditions of grant and view the NPQs currently available in our course prospectus

Transitions Guidance webpages

The new and improved Transitions Guidance webpages are located within Warwickshire's Local Offer. The pages feature a comprehensive bank of resources for parents, carers, children and young people and education settings, to help support positive and successful transitions.  

Take a look at the new Transitions webpages

Origin Maths Hub HT Contact Details

Following on from the HT Briefing on 18th April, Hannah from Origin Maths Hub, who presented some information about the Teaching for Mastery programmes available in 23/24 for Warwickshire schools, has sent contact details below.

These are the contacts of three Headteachers and one Trust CEO who are passionate about the work that Origin does and are happy to talk about their experiences with other Headteachers:

Lorraine Stanton, Headteacher at SS Peter & Paul Catholic School in Coventry. School is currently in Teaching for Mastery Sustaining.

Lynn ClarkHeadteacher at Marston Green Juniors in Solihull. School is currently in Teaching for Mastery Sustaining.

James Higham, CEO of Transforming Lives Educational Trust. The Trust has primary and Secondary schools involved in TfM at various stages.

Diane Compton-BelcherHeadteacher at Michael Drayton Junior School in Nuneaton. School is currently in Teaching for Mastery Sustaining.

Working together to improve school attendance

1. Upcoming webinar on responsibilities where a mental health issue is affecting attendance

Many children will experience normal but difficult emotions that make them nervous about attending school, such as worries about friendships, schoolwork, exams or variable moods.

The DfE are hosting a webinar, with an opportunity for Q&A, to support the publication of the summary of responsibilities where a mental health issue is affecting attendance guidance.

This will include best practice examples for:

  • steps to overcome barriers to attendance
  • staff and parent engagement
  • intervention options
  • impact for the child
  • monitoring progress

The webinar will be on Wednesday 10 May, 4pm to 5:15pm. To register your interest, please complete our short form.

If you have any questions regarding the webinar, please email contact attendance.webinar@education.gov.uk.                                                            

  1. You may still register your interest in the new sector-led school attendance hubs

The DfE are launching new sector-led school attendance hubs.

Primary, secondary, special schools and alternative provision providers who wish to register their interest in joining a hub and receiving free school attendance support should complete the short application form by Monday 8 May.

Attendance hubs will be led by senior leaders in schools with strong attendance practice, who will share the strategies and resources they use for improving attendance.

Participating schools will be expected to revisit and revise their systems and protocols for managing attendance and join half termly virtual hub meetings to share practice and discuss progress and challenges.

This programme builds on a pilot hub established last year, led by North Shore Academy, which saw some participating schools achieve significant reductions in their absence and persistent absence rates.

  1. Compare pupil attendance with other schools in your local authority

80% of schools nationally have opted in to sharing daily attendance data with the DfE.  Response rates nationally across school types this was: 82% of state-funded primary schools, 75% of state-funded secondary schools and 70% of state-funded special schools.

The figure in Warwickshire is 82%. 

The DfE are now rolling out new functionality to allow mainstream schools that are sharing data to compare attendance with other schools within their local authority area.  The tool will help schools to identify strengths and priorities and signpost to additional guidance and support. To share daily attendance data and get access to these tools, please email Wonde. If you already use Wonde, please accept the request in your Wonde portal.

Contact Us:

If you wish to discuss any issues relating to school attendance, please feel free to contact the Warwickshire Attendance Service: was@warwickshire.gov.uk

Save the date - Summer Term 2023 Headteachers' Conference

Save the Date!

Summer Term 2023 Headteachers' Conference

Tuesday 6th June 2023 (9.15am – 1.30pm)


Stareton Hall, Stoneleigh Park (NAEC), Stoneleigh, Kenilworth, CV8 2LZ


Agenda to follow shortly.

Gypsy, Roma and Traveller History Month

The annual GRTHM (Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller History Month) will be held in June, as it is every year. This year, there will be a competition for all primary schools in Warwickshire, organized by the GRT (Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller) team. The team has produced a short video about the competition, showing details of the event. Additionally, Travellers' Times has created a video about the history of Travellers.

If you are interested in participating in the competition, please note that the deadline is May 12th. This will allow the team to estimate the number of participating schools before the event, which will take place at the Police Headquarters in Leek Wootton at the end of June.

For more information, please read this letter (that you may have already received).

Please find below the video produced by the team and "Roads from the Past" by Travellers' Times.

Behaviour Strategies with Moat House School

The Healthy Start scheme special edition from Warwickshire Family and Information service

The Healthy Start scheme special edition Warwickshire Family Information Service newsletter is out NOW!
This month’s special edition focuses on the Healthy Start scheme. Research shows that over 1/3 of all eligible households are not signed up to the scheme
Please share this with families for more information about eligibility, how to apply and what is included to give children a healthy start to life: https://mailchi.mp/warwickshire/family-information-service-newsletter-1213064?e=7a95476d4b&fbclid=IwAR3BE69l_0T8nM3wnM7K0gMCu45YQuJlzxP-9r1SZpUyAdQX2hJWhg6VSmE 
You can also subscribe to receive the weekly update and monthly special edition FIS newsletters here: https://mailchi.mp/warwickshire/familyinfoservice

Leamington, Nuneaton, and Rugby Libraries introduce new digital Hublets for e-reading

Digital Hublet tablets are available at Leamington, Nuneaton, and Rugby libraries, and allow users to enjoy eMagazines, eNewspapers, eBooks, and other online eResources without the need to have or bring their own digital devices.

The Hublets are housed in docking stations at each library, and users can borrow them for a defined period by inserting their library card into the barcode reader. The devices are free to use and work within each library building by utilising the existing library Wi-Fi.

The Hublets are designed to be user-friendly and accessible to all, and library staff will be on hand to provide any necessary support or assistance so that customers can enjoy using the Hublet tablets in the friendly surroundings of each public library environment.

The Hublets service is part of a wider initiative by Warwickshire Libraries to make their e-reading resources more accessible to all, and the libraries hope that the service will prove popular with their customers.

Warwickshire Libraries already provide a great range of digital services to support local communities, including:

  • Books which are available to borrow for library members through the online library catalogue, or by browsing the BorrowBox collection which includes a great range of eBooks and eAudiobooks. Newspapers and magazines are also available through Pressreader & Libby.
  • The County Council’s Cyber Security Team deliver regular sessions in Warwickshire Libraries to raise awareness of how to protect yourself online. Find out more at Cyber Safe Warwickshire.
  • All physical libraries offer free Wi-Fi and free time on public computers​, and staff can help you to find trustworthy online sources for facts, news, and other information.
  • IT Help and support sessions which take place regularly at libraries across the county.
  • Nuneaton, Rugby, and Leamington libraries offer Let’s Make sessions to get hands-on with the latest technology from 3D printing and virtual reality to robotics.
  • Warwickshire Libraries also have a Code Club and lend out Micro:bit kits so that younger library customers can develop coding skills at home as well as through sessions in the library​.

For more information about the Hublets and other services provided by Warwickshire Libraries, please ask a member of staff in your local library, or visit www.warwickshire.gov.uk/libraries

To join your local library for free so that you can use the new Hublets service, visit www.warwickshire.gov.uk/jointhelibrary


Young Volunteering Opportunities with Warwickshire Libraries this Summer

Warwickshire Libraries are looking for young people, 13-19 years old to volunteer this summer to help with the annual Summer Reading Challenge. 

The Summer Reading Challenge is the UK’s biggest free reading for pleasure programme for children, run by The Reading Agency. Taking place annually, the Challenge encourages children aged 4 to 11 to keep reading during the summer holidays.  

Warwickshire Libraries are looking for young people who can volunteer for 10-15 hours in the summer holidays. Key skills include a love of reading and being able to share this with younger children, being patient, punctual and reliable. Find the full role description and apply online before Mon 29th May. 

Find the poster here

Warwickshire County Council are looking for schools that celebrated the Coronation!

Did your school celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III?

If so, we want to see! We will be putting out some posts on social media next week, and we want to showcase as many schools from the county as possible. 

If you celebrated in any way and would be interested in being featured, please let us know by emailing lucywright@warwickshirecountycouncil.gov.uk. If you have any photos you can share, please send those too!  

National Week of Play 2023: Creating connections through play

This year's National Week of Play, which will run from 19 - 25 June, will focus on how play canhelp us build positive connections and break down barriers, whether cultural, generational, societal or otherwise.

From examining different approaches to play from around the world to exploring play for all ages, this year’s event is all about celebrating the unifying nature of play.
All providers and parents/ carers are welcome to join this year’s event and can sign up for free to receive a range of free resources, materials, blogs and activity ideas.

Find out more & sign up here:


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