Gypsy, Roma and Traveller History Month

The annual GRTHM (Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller History Month) will be held in June, as it is every year. This year, there will be a competition for all primary schools in Warwickshire, organized by the GRT (Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller) team. The team has produced a short video about the competition, showing details of the event. Additionally, Travellers' Times has created a video about the history of Travellers.

If you are interested in participating in the competition, please note that the deadline is May 12th. This will allow the team to estimate the number of participating schools before the event, which will take place at the Police Headquarters in Leek Wootton at the end of June.

For more information, please read this letter (that you may have already received).

Please find below the video produced by the team and "Roads from the Past" by Travellers' Times.

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