Provisional key stage 4 headlines
Provisional key stage 4 data has now been released and we thought it would be helpful, at this stage, to share the headline figures for Warwickshire with you (thanks to James McNeillie HMI for providing us with this summary).
Below are the rankings for Warwickshire, out of 152 local authorities, for each KS4 measure:
- Rank 25 - Attainment 8
- Rank 25 - English and maths grade 9-5
- Rank 32 - EBacc average point score per pupil
- Rank 54 - % EBacc entered
- Rank 59 - Progress 8
Comparison to previous years' results
The figures show an upwards trend in the ranking for Attainment 8, with Warwickshire improving its position the last two years running, moving up six places in total, from 31st place in 2017 and 29th in 2018.
Progress 8 has dropped from previous years - from 43rd in 2018 and 42nd in 2017 - to bring us more in line with the West Midlands.
Warwickshire has improved one place on it’s 2018 ranking for the EBacc average point score, moving from 33rd to 32nd.
A report will be taken to the Children and Young People Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting on 26 November, detailing the performance of children and young people in Warwickshire schools in statutory national tests in 2019, including early years foundation stage, key stage 1, 2 and 4, and post 16 results. Papers are usually published one week before the meeting and will be made available on this webpage.