Publication of refreshed PHE/DfE/ CYP MH Coalition guidance/ Senior Mental Health Leads Training

Please find attached a briefing note to update you on the publication of refreshed guidance on Promoting children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing: a whole school or college approach.

The guidance, which was originally published in 2015 has been updated to reflect new data, policy developments and signposting to sources of support. DfE has now cobranded this publication with PHE and the Children and Young People’s Mental Health Coalition.

DfE is offering schools and colleges grants of £1200 to cover and contribute to the cost of accessing quality assured training for senior mental health leads to help them implement whole school or college approaches to mental health and wellbeing.

The attached information provides you with the necessary web links and signposts to the DfE press release that was issued recently.

Please share with your relevant networks.

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