Vacancies on Schools Forum

There are currently four vacancies on the Schools Forum for: 

  • One for Primary Maintained representative - open to a headteacher or governor   
  • Two Secondary Academy representative - open to a headteacher or governor   
  • One Special Academy representative - open to a head teacher or governor 

If you would like to be considered for the vacant positions please complete the nomination form and email this to schoolfunding@warwickshire.gov.uk by 5 pm on Monday 15 May 2023.   

If more than required nomination forms are received for any vacant posts then election will take place. 
Members will be appointed to the Schools Forum for the period up to March 2024.  

The Schools Forum is looking to invite the newly appointed representative to the next meeting on 22 June 2023. The papers for the meetings will be uploaded on to the Schools Forum webpage five working days before the meeting. 

If you have any question or would like more information about Schools Forum then please send an email to schoolfunding@warwickshire.gov.uk 
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