Strategic Advice and Support re ICT in schools available through WCC ICTDS

ICTDS are now pleased to say they are working with Sarah Fitzgerald (former eLearning Adviser ICTDS) to bring you a brand-new support package.

Sarah now works for Entrust, an education and skills support services business, that shares the same passion for technology. Many of you will have worked alongside Sarah previously and will know her well.

The service includes three hours of in-school support to be used for strategic advice and discussion with your computing/leadership team. Examples of in-school support include:

  • Strategic overview of your current provision for Computing and ICT
  • Purple Mash training (if you need extra support)
  • J2E training and support
  • Curriculum planning, training and support
  • Using your IWB within your classroom
  • Supporting you with your MDM solution with Warwickshire
  • Annual Online safety training and briefings (staff, parents, or pupils) a statutory requirement for KCSiE

The support package costs £585 and also includes:

  • Email and telephone support and advice
  • A termly online safety newsletter
  • Access to free weekly courses and events covering topics including cyber security, Google, online safety, J2E and much more.

Please read more here.

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