There are four more weekly editions of Heads Up before December and I am focusing on one 'WE' each week. This week I am concentrating on WE2d; ‘Learners with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) will be able to succeed in schools and settings close to home and they will be supported towards becoming independent and employable’.
Through WE2d, we have committed to increase the number of high quality places in Warwickshire special and mainstream schools and settings and we will ensure that the legal requirements for SEND assessments are met.
Councillor Colin Hayfield and I recently visited Middlemarch Junior School in Nuneaton. We spent an hour walking through all classrooms and witnessed calm, purposeful and enthusiastic learning. We visited The Bridge, which is a purpose-built specialist provision for eight children with communication and interaction needs. There are currently five boys with Education, Health and Care Plans on the school roll who benefit from the additional nurture and support for learning offered by The Bridge. The children are able to play a full part in the life of the school and are also included in their class group. Colin and I were really impressed with the way in which Middlemarch School is promoting a broad and empowering curriculum for all children, as well as prioritising this vulnerable group. This is WE2 in action! I know that there are other examples of successful integrated ‘resource base’ provision in Warwickshire. Our draft SEND and Inclusion Strategy is now out for public consultation and focuses on developing more of this innovative provision in the county.
You can read more about the education strategy and who attends the various partnership boards here: www.warwickshire.gov.uk/educationstrategy