EEF’s ‘A Tiered Approach’ Primary Programme for Spring 2022

Following the presentation by EEF on their Tiered Approach the summer term headteacher conference we have worked with Staffordshire Research School and EEF to develope the attached programme. We are inviting senior leaders from two schools per primary consortia group to a short modular course focusing on:

    • The EEF’s Tiered Approach to School Planning (Updated Oct 2021)
    • Disadvantaged and Post-Covid gaps
    • The Updated EEF toolkit (Updated Sept 2021)
    • ‘Putting Evidence to Work’ and effective implementation 


The course is being fully funded by the LA with support for cover costs included. Represented schools will be asked to cascade the key programme content within consortia meetings.Please find further details here with information on how to sign up.

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