Safeguarding Board Sub-Committee Update

The Education subgroup of the Warwickshire Safeguarding Children Board (WSCB), now chaired by Chris Malone, WCC Head of Education and Learning, met recently. The terms of reference of the group were updated and are available at the link below. 
WSCB is keen to establish a robust process of two-way communication with the education sector.  The Education, Schools and Learning Sub-Committee is the identified mechanism to facilitate that communication however, the Board is very keen to improve the links between the sub-committee and the sector, ideally through local schools' consortia.
Consortia are therefore invited to nominate representatives to sit on the Sub-Committee, which meets four times per year.
If you are interested in attending the Sub-Committee on behalf of your local consortia, please contact Chris Malone chrismalone@warwickshire.gov.uk to express your interest.
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