
News from Governor Services

Governor Half Day Conference

The Conference will feature two workshops:

  • A Guide to Admissions and Exclusions and the Governors Role
  • School Website Requirements and the Complaints Toolkit

When:            Tuesday 20th June

Time:              9.00am – 12.30pm

Where:           The Warwick Trident College, Trident Park, Warwick, CV34 6SW.

Attendance at the conference is free to all subscribing schools and places can be booked by telephone: 01926 745120 or by email: governors@warwickshire.gov.uk.

(For more information see attached flyer).

In addition to providing Ofsted Parent View: management information, Ofsted have updated the Guidance on the Parent View Toolkit for Schools.  The toolkit explains important facts about Parent View and contains materials that can be adapted and used by schools to raise awareness of Parent View to parents.

Records Management Toolkit for Schools

The Information Management Toolkit for Schools has been created by the Information and Records Management Society to assist schools to manage their information in line with the current legislative frameworks.  The toolkit has been designed as guidance and it may assist Clerks and Governors when discussing the length of time documents need to be kept for.

Is Your School Website Compliant?

Even before you know you have an Ofsted Inspection an inspector will be checking your website to ensure it contains all of the statutory information that is mentioned in the Department for Education’s list of requirements for maintained schools and academies and that it is fully-up-to-date.

Why not use the following links to check your website:

What maintained schools must publish online, GOV.UK - DfE

What academies, free schools and colleges should publish online, GOV.UK - DfE

The School Information (England) Regulations 2008, legislation.gov.uk

The School Information (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2012, legislation.gov.uk

The School Information (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2016, legislation.gov.uk

Academy and free school funding agreement: single academy trust, GOV.UK - DfE

For schools that subscribe to Warwickshire Governor Services or GovernorHub checklists to help you review your school website have been uploaded.

Governor Details on Edubase

As of the 1st September 2016 it has been as statutory obligation for all schools, maintained and academy, to register the details of all their governors on Edubase, the DfE’s register of educational establishments in England and Wales. However, compliance with this statutory requirement is still patchy across schools. Please note that it is the responsibility of the Governing Board to ensure that this statutory obligation is complied with, although the actual inputting of the data will be delegated to the school’s administrative team.

The information to be disclosed will need to include name, appointment date, the appointing body and for maintained schools, whether the governor is the chair of governors or a member of the governing body, and for academies, whether they are a trust member, a trustee, the chair of trustees or a governor on a local governing body. This information will be fully accessible by the public. Information that will also need to be supplied but not made available to the public will include each governor’s postcode, their date of birth, any previous names, their nationality and the chair’s email address.

Multi-Academy Trusts must also provide details of their local governing body members on Edubase.

Governor Training Events

Special Educational needs and the governing body

Monday 05 June 2017

1900 – 2100

Racemeadow Primary School



Child Protection and Safeguarding 

Wednesday 7 June 2017

1000 – 1230

Warwick Trident College



Quality of Teaching 

Thursday 08 June 2017

1900 - 2100

Stratford-Upon-Avon High School


Preparing for Ofsted

Monday 12 June 2017

1900 – 2100

Boughton Leigh Junior School



Engaging with Parents and the Community

Tuesday 13 June 2017

1900 – 2100

Aylesford School



Leading Governance in School - Module 4

Thursday 15th June 107

0930 - 12.30

Honiley Court Hotel




Thursday 15 June 2017

1500 – 1700

Stratford College




Monday 19 June 2017

1900 – 2100

Stratford-Upon-Avon School


Leading Governance in Schools

Tuesday 20 June 2017

0930 – 1630

Stratford College

Stratford Upon Avon


Effective Governance in the early years & Foundation Stage

Wednesday 21 June 2017

1900 – 2100

Boughton Leigh Junior School



The Role of Academy Board Trustees

Thursday 22 June 2017

1900 – 2100

Myton School



Induction: The effective governance of schools

Monday 26 June 2017

0930 – 1630

Bulkington Village Centre



Essentials - Update for experienced governors

Tuesday 27 June 2017

1900 – 2100

Myton School



Induction: the effective governance of schools

Wednesdays 28 June,

5 & 12 July 2017

1900 – 2130

Racemeadow Primary School



Using School Performance Date - For primary school governors only

Wednesday 28 June 2017

1900 – 2100

Myton School



Clerking exclusion, appeals & complaints hearings

Thursday 29 June 2017

1000 – 1230

Stratford College



Child Protection & Safeguarding

Monday 3 July 2017

1845 – 2115

Racemeadow Primary School



Finance (part 1) - Introduction to budget planning & monitoring

Tuesday 04 July 2017

1900 – 2100

Stratford-Upon-Avon School


Finance (part 2) - Budget management a closer look 

Tuesday 11 July 2017

1900 – 2100

Stratford-Upon-Avon School

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