Welcome to this week’s edition of Heads Up.
The pace hasn’t slowed down here, with two major events in our calendar taking place on consecutive days this week – our termly meeting for education leaders across the county, and the annual Governors’ Conference.
It was encouraging to see such an excellent turn out for the Headteachers’ Conference on 12 June at Stoneleigh Park, with over 130 people in attendance. It was a great opportunity for me to meet many of you face-to-face and for colleagues to make connections and spend time sharing ideas and experiences. With a focus on Ethical Leadership, the morning provided the chance for leaders to reflect on their own practice and think about the principles that will help them to ‘do the right thing’ in the interests of the young people that they serve as leaders in education.
We also heard from James McNeillie HMI about Ofsted’s consultation outcomes on the new framework and about the new quality of education judgement putting curriculum at the heart of the inspection. Information from the conference including the presentations and papers will be shared with you all in due course.
Both Governors and Clerks were well represented at the Governors’ Conference on 13 June, held at the Citrus Hotel in Coventry, where we welcomed the Chief Executive of the National Governance Association, Emma Knights, to talk about Good Governance. Similar to the Headteachers’ Conference, there was a strong focus on Ethical Leadership in practice and governance and it was a good opportunity for members of our governing bodies to focus on their own development and how they can best support our schools to be the best they can be.
I hope you find the information in this week’s edition useful. It’s excellent to see the continuation of the match-funded grants for careers provision which you can read about in the WE4 section this week.
I’d also like to highlight the change of date for the May Bank Holiday 2020, which has been introduced to allow the country to recognise the 75th anniversary of VE Day.
With best wishes
Ian Budd
Assistant Director for Education Services