Welcome to the December issue of Heads Up
Thank you to all headteachers who have made contact with me since September. I look forward to meeting you if I have not already done so. I have already had the pleasure of touring five secondary schools in the north and south of the county. The highlight for me was listening to four aspiring Year 11 students talking about their participation in Warwickshire’s Skills for Employment programme. I have met with the Directors of one of Warwickshire’s larger MATs, when we discussed strategy and vision, and I look forward to more similar meetings in 2018. I have also visited six primary, special and nursery schools, again across the county. Each of the headteachers has talked to me so passionately about the extra mile that their school is going to improve the outcomes for the more vulnerable learners. This has been both inspiring and reassuring.
We have been listening to many concerns, for example, regarding Area Behaviour Partnerships and assure you that we are on the case (see reference to Education Strategy below).
I have also attended many meetings and Boards, some ‘owned’ by heads, which is a model to which I subscribe, and several where heads take time out of their busy schedules to make sure that the voice of education is represented round the table. I enjoyed a very positive meeting with The Bishop of Coventry, and Linda Wainscot, Diocesan Director of Education (see below) as we enter a new phase of close liaison with the Church of England Diocese, and I have recently met representatives from the Catholic Archdiocese of Birmingham.
![Chris Malone and Linda Wainscot](/img/412/550/550)
Having spent three months immersed in the world of education in Warwickshire, I am hugely impressed by the dedication that I see on a daily basis, in increasingly challenging circumstances. I am particularly impressed with Consortia arrangements, especially Area Analysis Groups, and I look forward to joining the journey that you are on towards a truly school-led system through the leadership of the Challenge Board.
It was a privilege to meet some of you at the 'Excellence in Warwickshire' Awards, where I was encouraged to hear the positive stories of improvement that have come about as a result of the hard work and determination of headteachers, governors and the whole school staff.
The responsibility of ensuring that Education services within the Council are not only fit for purpose in the 21st century, but also effectively prioritise our most vulnerable learners, is on my shoulders, and those of my senior team. We are currently evaluating our services and will be drafting a Warwickshire County Council Education Strategy early in 2018. This will be available for consultation later in the Spring, ready for an agreed start date of 1st September 2018. More on this in future Heads Up editions.
Initial recruitment to the role of Strategic Lead, Education Sufficiency and Access has not resulted in an appointment. We will be re-advertising the role in the new year. John Edwards will continue to cover the role until the end of the academic year.
We wish good health and happiness to you, your staff, children and families, and hope that you have an enjoyable end to the term.
Chris Malone
Head of Service
Education and Learning