NSPCC calls on EY practitioners to promote Look, Say, Sing, Play
The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) is calling on early years practitioners to help promote their new campaign that encourages better childhood brain development.
The charity launched Look, Say, Sing, Play across the UK on 3 June which aims to provide tips to help parents boost their child's development and encourage them to turn everyday moments into brain-building ones.
Early years practitioners can access a whole host of resources for their setting to highlight the campaign to parents and will also find a guide for running a Look, Say, Sing, Play session with families to help them understand how different brain-building activities can be incorporated into their daily routine.
Parents themselves can access lots of different resources too including different activities that they can try at home when interacting with their children.
Further information can be found at the links below: