Get talking on 7 February to tackle mental health head on
In Coventry and Warwickshire, we are working throughout our Year of Wellbeing 2019 to inspire and empower people to make changes that will improve their wellbeing, and the wellbeing of people around them. That’s why we’re supporting Time to Talk Day. And we hope you will want to join in, too!
This year’s Time to Talk Day, on Thursday 7th February, is all about bringing together the right ingredients to have a conversation about mental health. Whether that’s tea, biscuits and close friends, or a room full of people challenging mental health stigma, we want to get talking.
There are lots of things you can do to support Time to Talk Day 2019 and ways to help you promote Time to Talk in the run up to the day:
- Free editable Time to Talk resources are available for you to customise and print out
- Time to Talk Conversation Packs featuring ideas, materials and prompts to action, are available for schools here
- Visit Coventry and Warwickshire Mind’s campaign bus which will be stationed in Broadgate, in Coventry city centre, on Thursday 7 February, 1.00pm - 3.00pm. Please come along, and do tell your friends and colleagues!
- Email us to request further Year of Wellbeing resources to support your activity
- Please join in, and post pictures of your activity on social media with the hashtag #letsdothistogethercw
- Join the national conversation at #timetotalk
Read more about Coventry and Warwickshire's Year of Wellbeing here.