Small grants available to give Warwickshire children a smart start

The Smart Start programme is launching its community grant fund making £250,000 available to small local projects in Warwickshire. The fund will support and pilot local creative ideas and grass-roots activity which enables children to get the best start in life and prepares them for school.

The grant can be provided in a one-off payment of £2500 to each initiative or projects can join together in a joint bid to receive a larger amount. In order to bid for the funds, each project must meet one or more of the following priorities:

  • Access to learning activities
  • Access to play and learn areas and equipment
  • Improving the health and wellbeing of children aged 0-5 and their families
  • Activities helping to develop parent-child bonding and attachment
  • Activities which help children to develop self-help and social skills
  • Activities which help parents develop skills to interact with their children and support their development
  • Initiatives that support most vulnerable families with 0-5s, including those with special needs, living in isolation and/or from poorer backgrounds

Bids will be considered from organisations and groups who directly support 0-5 families during any time from the moment of conception through to when the child reaches school age. This funding will not support applications to maintain or extend existing or core services provided by the applicant organisation.

For more information on the community grant fund and how to apply please visit the Smart Start website or email smartstart@warwickshire.gov.uk.

The closing date for applications is 5pm on Friday 11 November.

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