Family and Parenting Support – Triple P training

Family and Parenting Support – Triple P training

The Closing the Gap project is working with the family and parenting support team to help promote the support and training the service provides. The service supports practitioners working with families through the Triple P parenting programme.

Triple P training is provided free of charge to practitioners working with Warwickshire families subject to an agreed training agreement. Participants training in group programmes will commit to running two per year.

Please find below details of forthcoming training available.


Clinical Supervision (Triple P trained staff only)

The sessions will be led by Clinical Psychologist Dr Jivan Culshaw, from the Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership Trust, and Warwickshire's Senior Parenting Practitioners.

These sessions are an excellent opportunity for parenting practitioners to explore the complex issues arising in parenting interventions; promote good practice and further enhance Warwickshire's success in improving outcomes for children. Please bring a case with you that you would like to discuss.

The sessions available are:

Thursday 20th October 2016 King’s House, 2nd Floor, Interview Room 11 

Monday 28th November 2016 Saltisford B3, 2nd Floor Conference Room 7 

January 2017 - TBC North 

February 2017 - TBC South

March 2017 North


Standard 0-12 Triple P Training 

Three day training course to train practitioners to deliver the following programme to parents:

Standard Triple P provides parents with broad focused parenting support and intervention on a one-to-one basis.

The programme supports parents who have concerns about their child’s behaviour or development across settings (e.g. disobedience in community settings, fighting and aggression, refusing to stay in bed, eating healthy meals). 

Over ten one-to-one sessions parents identify the causes of child behaviour problems and to set their own goals for change. They learn a range of parenting strategies to promote and develop positive behaviour for their child.  The practitioner focus is on generalisation-enhancement strategies to promote parental autonomy throughout the intervention process.


Group 0-12 Triple P Training


The Group Triple P Provider Training Course skills practitioners to deliver a broad focused parenting support programme to groups of parents with children (aged 0 to 12 years). Group Triple P is suitable for parents with concerns about their child’s behaviour or who wish to learn a variety of parenting skills that will promote their child’s development and potential. Group Triple P is ideal as a universal prevention strategy where all parents entering an early intervention or school age service participate. Group Triple P is delivered to parents over the course of 8 weeks.

The programme involves 5 (2 hour) group sessions that educate and actively train skills, and three (15 to 30 minute) individual telephone consultations that follow a self-regulatory format to facilitate independent problem solving. The Group Triple P Provider Training Course comprises of attendance at a 3-day training programme, followed some weeks later by demonstration of knowledge and competence in programme delivery through a skills-based accreditation process.


Triple P Training 

Standard 0-12 years September 2016

Group 0-12 years October 2016

Details available here: www.warwickshire.gov.uk/parentingtraining


For more information please contact the Parenting Development Team.

Telephone 01926 743062

Saltisford Office Park
CV34 4UL




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