Safeguarding procedures checklist for schools
A recent internal audit of safeguarding procedures, controls and supporting documentation in schools found some areas of concern that should be highlighted to all headteachers so they can check their own schools’ procedures are robust and meet requirements.
- Schools should be carrying out robust pre-employment checks and ensuring there are no gaps in the Single Central Record.
- Up to date whistleblowing and safeguarding policies should be easily accessible to all, for example on school websites.
- Schools must report safeguarding issues to their governing bodies, and to the Warwickshire Safeguarding Children Board (WSCB).
- Schools must ensure they have robust and safe physical and data protection, for example ensuring external gates are always kept locked during the day, and making sure network passwords are routinely changed.
- All school staff must have received the required Prevent Training, as detailed in the Warwickshire Prevent action plan. For further information please contact Helene Heath, the LA Prevent Officer,
- Schools must ensure that safeguarding is a part of the everyday school culture, for example providing free and easy access to green forms, posters, subjects covered in school activities or curriculum, etc.
- All schools should have a designated lead officer (DSL) responsible for safeguarding.
- All DSLs should have received recent safeguarding training and refresher training (at least every two years).
- Green forms should be used for recording individual cases of concerns about pupils.
- Parents should be involved in the safeguarding process when deemed appropriate.
- Schools should be aware of the agreed procedure for making allegations against staff.