Learning and Performance Restructure

The Learning and Performance Team within the Education Business Unit has been restructured over the summer to reflect local and national education changes and priorities.  The main changes that affect schools include the creation of a new team, Schools and Settings Intervention and Safeguarding Team, which combines a stronger emphasis on safeguarding with the existing LA School Improvement function, including assessment and NQT support. Hayley McDonagh is the team leader for this area.
Post-16 responsibilities will now sit within the Schools and Settings Partnerships Team led by Sarah Bradwell. This team has been established to maintain and develop effective relationships with all schools through the head teacher briefings and our new communications strategy including the newsletter and use of social media. Governor Services also now sit within this team, along with head teacher recruitment and induction.
The work of the Early Years Team is currently being transitioned to a new arrangement. More details will be shared with EY settings at managers' briefings.
We are delighted that Warwickshire Music have joined the Learning and Performance Team and the Virtual School, Vulnerable Groups and Area Behaviour Partnerships teams remain largely unchanged.
Please click here to see the new structure chart for the Learning and Performance Team. The structure charts for the other teams will follow in the fortnightly issue. 
Local Authority Multi-Academy Trust
Nigel Minns is leading on the development of an LA MAT as discussed at the head teacher briefings last term. We would welcome expressions of interest from any head teachers  who would like to join a working party to support this development. Please contact Susan Kirk on susankirk@warwickshire.gov.uk.
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