We need the views of your parents and carers

Our School Admissions Service are keen to get feedback from those parents and carers who have used the service recently, so that their feedback can be used to improve how they work. Please can you include the following request in your next newsletter to parents and carers?

Warwickshire County Council want to know what you think about the schools' admissions service, so that they can improve what is on offer to future users.

So if your child has started at a new school in the last year or so, please take 10 minutes to tell them about your experience. Click below to access the survey that closes on 23 May 2021: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=BqqwiCdZu0uok4nMJxOsgi7KD53qT9JGnlqgD-3zm7BURDU1SkdERTRRM043ME1XUTJQMzM4Q09DSS4u

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