Securing the Best Start to Life

Time to talk conference - Supporting children with autism in EY

Download the posters here. 

Understanding Early Trauma

The Parent Infant Foundation are looking into professionals' knowledge and views about early development and trauma. If you work in an early years education or childcare setting, or the reception of a primary school, you are invited to complete this short survey.

Find the survey here

Time to rhyme

Rhyme is an intrinsic part of children’s phonological development and really underpins children’s later literacy learning.

Book Trust has some great downloadable rhymes and song words. Why not make a little basket or bag with a prop or picture to represent familiar songs, so children can use these to ask for a song or rhyme? 

Kooth- Your online mental wellbeing community

April is Stress Awareness Month.

No problem is too small at Kooth.

Visit Kooth, where young people can gain free, safe and anonymous support for their mental wellbeing 

Little Troopers

Little Troopers is a registered charity supporting all military children who have parent(s) serving in our British Armed Forces, regular or reserve.

These children often face unique challenges including frequent house and school moves, as well as regular periods of separation from their serving parent(s) for varying lengths of time due to exercises, training, operations and other service commitments.

Visit Little Troopers here

Resources for Families experiencing loss through a bereavement

A list of books and useful websites for young pupils and their families when experiencing loss through a bereavement. Age groups are also indicated to help you find the correct resource for your children.

Find the resources here.

Month of the Military Child.

Ideas to start th#MotMC April 2022 - Month of the Military Child.

• Settings can promote the Month of the Military Child on their web sites /Newsletters. Provide links to sites that offer resources for military families. There are several charities that support Service children and produce materials for schools / settings, families and children.

• Look for a link to your local military base/ unit. Many have Unit Welfare Officers or Community Development Officers that organise events for Service families.

Reading Force are passionate about using books to bring Force’s children and families closer together. 

Parents/carers in Nuneaton & Bedworth Child in reception to year 6

EY Network meeting 9th June 2022

Thousands of families in the West Midlands can receive help towards Easter childcare costs

HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) is reminding working parents in the West Midlands to not miss out on the opportunity to get up to £2,000 a year to pay for regulated childcare, including holiday clubs and other out-of-school activities, during the Easter holidays. Tax-Free Childcare provides thousands of eligible working families with up to £500 every three months (or £1,000 if their child is disabled) towards the cost of holiday clubs, before and after-school clubs, childminders and nurseries, and other approved childcare schemes. With recent research estimating that around 1.3 million families could be taking up this government support, parents and carers can check their eligibility and register for Tax-Free Childcare via GOV.UK.

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