COVID-19 News and Information

DFE Update for schools on recording attendance for pupils with symptoms of COVID-19 - 04.04.22

The DfE has updated the guidance contained in the Addendum: recording attendance in relation to coronavirus (COVID-19) during the 2021 to 2022 academic year


  • In line with our transition to living with COVID-19, we no longer advise schools to record pupils who do not attend for reasons related to COVID-19 using Code X.


  • Pupils with symptoms of COVID-19 are no longer advised to get a test, and most of the scenarios that this category was brought in to record no longer apply.


  • Pupils who have symptoms of COVID-19 should follow the latest government guidance about when they should stay at home.


  • Where a pupil is not attending because they have symptoms of COVID-19 or have had a positive test, schools should record this using Code I (illness) unless another more appropriate code applies.


  • Schools may continue to use the sub-code (I02) to record illness due to suspected COVID-19 although they are not required to.


  • Schools should refer to the department’s emergency planning guidance and the latest UKHSA guidance for further information.


  • If the school is not satisfied with the reason given for absence, they should record it as unauthorised."


Remote Education

  • Schools and colleges should continue to provide remote education to allow children and young people, who are well enough to learn, to keep pace with their education when in-person attendance in school or college is either not possible or contrary to government guidance.


  • Schools should keep a record of, and monitor engagement with, this activity, but this does not need to be tracked in the attendance register.


Predicted Impact on Absence levels

This could have a significant impact on attendance as the X code created an artificially higher attendance level.  This could also potentially create some challenging conversations with parents and it is advisable to deal with each case on its own merits.  


This applies to all schools and so any impact on whole school should reflected felt nationally. 


COVID-19 Attendance Advice

If you have any specific questions about COVID-19 related absence, please feel free to email the Warwickshire Attendance Service:


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