Ethan’s story: Leaving primary school and finding the right secondary provision
When I went to secondary school everything fell apart because it was busy and noisy and I didn’t have enough work to do when I wasn’t in class. Lessons were too difficult because there were people making lots of noise. I didn’t want to be at school but Mum wouldn’t let me stay at home so I just did two and a half hours a day. In the morning when I arrived it was very noisy and loud.
In January, Mum and Dad looked at another school and Mum said it was really nice; but when I went to have a look around Mum got upset because it looked loud and busy. I felt I wouldn’t make friends because the students weren’t like me. It really depressed me; I’ve been depressed over the last couple of years.
When I first heard about Peter’s Place at Trinity I felt confused because I didn’t know what was happening. Now I know there will only be eight students at Peter’s Place and when I arrive in the morning I can sit outside on the bench and it’s quiet. Now I’m really happy because it’s been such a long time since I’ve been happy. I hated life and I wanted to die.
Now I’m happy and I feel I can enjoy life,
I feel like I have a future.
The two things I’d like to do in the future……
…….I really like sea life (but I can’t swim!),
and I’m interested in computers.
Feedback from Mum: 'It has been a very difficult couple of years, seeing Ethan struggling so much. Since starting Peter's Place he has been much happier and it is wonderful to hear him being positive about going to school.’
Ethan, Year 8
First new pupil to join Peter’s Place at Trinity Catholic School