Remote Learning: Support for Primary Consortia

Consortia Expert Users

All consortia now have named expert users.  Names and contact details were shared in the chat at the Thursday lunchtime Chairs Consortia 5.11.20 and will be shared in the chat for Tuesday lunchtime’s headteacher meeting 10.11.20.   The subject users will be available for half a day per week to support schools in their consortia.  Their work is coordinated by sarahfitzgerald@warwickshire.gov.uk and harveywoodall@warwickshire.gov.uk.  Schools are invited to contact their subject user, Sarah or Harvey to organise the support they require.

Four training sessions have been made available for expert users and all are signed up. 

Training open to all schools:

SAS are also offering four training sessions open to all.  If you have missed them, recordings are available at https://sites.google.com/welearn365.com/wccblendedlearning/further-support

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