Checking the recorded primary need for a child with SEND in time for the school census

We have been running some data quality checks on the primary need of learners with Education, Health and Care (EHC) plans. Many learners have multiple needs and therefore recording of a primary need may differ between the local authority and school, however it is important that data is current and accurate.

For example, at school age a recent report based on school census data showed 24% of learners with an EHC plan to have a primary need of Autism Spectrum Disorder, whereas the local authority data recorded this as 35%.

School census data also showed 26% of learners with an EHC plan to have a primary need of Moderate Learning Difficulties whereas the local authority data showed this to be 11%. It is important that we get this data right as it is informs commissioning decisions. 

It is worth noting that the school census is not in any way linked to the SEND funding schools receive.

Please could we ask that you check the primary need recorded on SIMS before the next school census for learners in your school. 

If you do have any queries, please email and sen@warwickshire.gov.uk and we will follow it up. 

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